Friday, November 6, 2009

28 October, and Six out of Nine Wheelers choose Club Colours

Bright, low, sunshine yet again for the start of a ride. And yet again we set off southwards from the Bus Stop. Both Sharon and Mike are sportily sporting shorts - and it's almost warm enough at 09:00 now that the clocks have gone back. I used to have trouble remembering which way the time went when it was moved. Now I have a fix for this uncertainty, but it involves a term for Autumn more generally found in the US (well, for about 300 years). "Fall back; Spring forward" there, simple. The almost misty conditions made an attractive start and, as you can see, red was very popular

We welcome the return of TomTom's chum John from the Channel Islands (not all of them, naturally, but in a senior moment I can't recall which), and also hail the presence of future Star Esther Colman (she who slept at the tea stop on Sunday) who is to appear at the Manchester Velodrome 'Revolution' meeting on 14th November. She was with us to ensure that Julian got home safely, of course.I mentioned to Esther that it was good to see so many club Jerseys, I added that Adi had noticed that Wheelers were easily noticed in a racing bunch on the track, and then I mentioned that recent research had tended to indicate that the wearing of red gave sporting teams enhanced morale. I supported this by observing that "It hasn't done Manchester United much harm". There was a pause; then Esther said, hesitantly, "I don't follow football, are they quite successful?"

A you can see from the link, there were over 67,000,000 hits on Google. But I like a fresh and unspoilt view of the world. Well done, Esther, for your independence.

Mike Cross's tyres stayed inflated, but there was a puncture; but another senior moment (or even a blond one - I have double the risk) draws a veil of uncertainty over the victim's name.

We had an excellent tea at Hollow Trees, again, and enjoyed more sunshine for our return journey, when we turned right out of the tea stop car park, then right again, and yet again, following a selection of the many tiny lanes in that triangle of Suffolk south of Brent Eleigh. A total of 50 miles for me, and most enjoyable. SJH

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